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Y5 Curriculum Celebration Autumn Term 2024



Y5 Curriculum Celebration Summer Term 2024


Y5 Curriculum Celebration Spring Term 2024


Y5 Curriculum Celebration Autumn Term 2023


Y5 Curriculum Celebration Summer Term 2 2023


Year Five have had a very busy term which has included a morning of Maths games and challenges, World Book Day and an Anti-Bullying workshop. We had lots of fun on Pancake Day and managed to keep most of our pancakes in our frying pans!

As part of our Science and Geography learning, we mixed bicarbonate of soda and vinegar to create an irreversible change. This mixture created gas, which pushed the vinegar up the milk bottle in the same way as gas pushes lava up a volcano and through the surface of the Earth.

In Computing, we used the Scratch Programme and software that allowed us to play a mini piano.

In PE, we have been enjoying our Fitness Friday sessions with Mrs Browne, which are helping us to develop our stamina and coordination.

Y5 Curriculum Celebration Spring Term 4 2023


Year 5 have enjoyed another action-packed term! There have been several highlights, including designing our own science investigations to show the effects of different forces. Our second science topic, Earth and Space, began with a day of ‘astronaut training’ where we took part in challenges that tested our physical, social and cognitive abilities.

Another highlight was a second coding workshop where we programmed spherical robots to move through mazes. It reminded us of the command sequences used by scientists and engineers to control NASA’s Mars exploration rovers!

Special events we have enjoyed this term include wearing odd socks, to celebrate what makes us all unique, during Anti-Bullying Week and watching England’s first World Cup match against Iran.

We were introduced to a new sport called Kinball where teams have to keep a giant inflatable ball in the air! We picked it up really quickly and a team from Year 5 even made it to the semi-final of a Kinball tournament held at Cleeve Secondary School.


Year 5 Curriculum Celebration Autumn 2 2022




Year Five have had a busy term investigating the various forces of gravity, friction and air and water resistance. We experienced the effects of air resistance whilst running with and without boards in the playground and water resistance when pushing various objects through water.

We enjoyed a coding workshop when we programmed Lego models using software linked to motors and sensors. We even programmed our models to score goals!

Our Fitness Friday sessions have involved a variety of high intensity activities designed to raise the heart rate and develop muscle strength and stamina. Everyone was suitably puffed out by the end! 

Year 5 Curriculum Celebration Autumn 1 2022




Y5 Spring Term 2022 Review

It’s been a busy term for Year 5. In Art, we have looked at the architecture photography of Filip Dujardin and used this as inspiration to create our own textured collage pieces. We have also been very lucky to take part in a Computing workshop, working with Sphero programmable bots and completing challenges with them. In PE lessons, whilst some people have been loving swimming, others have been exploring the physical challenges of yoga and enjoying the control and calmness that it brings. Finally, and always popular in Y5, is the Science topic of Earth and Beyond. We have been researching about the planets in our solar system, as well as the relationship between the Sun, the Earth and the Moon.

Y5 Curriculum Celebration Spring Term 1 2022


Y5 Trip to We The Curious

As part of their science topics, Y5 were lucky enough to visit ‘We the Curious’ - a science museum in Bristol. Whilst they were there, the children took part in a workshop which explored mechanisms that can alter forces and created several different pieces using these. They were also awed by a 3D planetarium show which visited our nearest planetary neighbours and some of their features. As well as this, the children were able to explore the fascinating exhibits on offer around the museum.


Y5 We The Curious Visit 2022

 Y5 Spring term 4 2022 Review

In Year 5 this term, we have been building on our prior knowledge to take our understanding to the next level! Using the Sphero programmable bots again, we started creating and using variables to draw different shapes of different sizes. Once more, we were lucky enough to have a help from a Cleeve Secondary School teacher who led us in yoga to develop our strength, flexibility and well-being. On World Book Day, Roald Dahl served as our inspiration for the creation of postcards written from the perspective of characters from his books. Finally, we all took part in the House Cross-Country competition where we demonstrated the TEAM Prestbury value of perseverance by pushing ourselves to complete as many laps as we could. Congratulations to Willow who were the Year 5 winners!


Y5 Curriculum Celebration Spring Term 2 2022


Y5 Curriculum Celebration Summer Term 1 2022

With a big focus on our science topic of materials and their properties, Year 5 have been conducting lots of scientific enquiries. From fair and comparative tests to observations over time, the children have been investigating solubility, thermal insulators and filtering to recover materials. As well as this, in PE, there have been lots of opportunities to take part in different athletics activities, involving both track and field events. Once again, the children we lucky to take part in another computing session where they were creating stories by coding different sprites.

 Y5CT go wild at the Wilderness - June 2022

Y5CT Wilderness - June 2022


Y5PD go wild at the Wilderness

Y5PD go wild at the Wilderness


Y5 Curriculum Celebration Summer Term 2 2022

Year Five have had a Design Technology flavoured term which has included several different projects. The children designed, made and tasted their own healthy Bolognese sauces which (most!) enjoyed the taste of. A STEM Workshop saw them create wind powered cars on a budget with varying degrees of success. Finally, using cams, the children designed and made their own toy which had to involve vertical movement. These all certainly provided a challenge and tested the school value of Perseverance. As well as these, the children performed the Y5 Variety Show, squeezed in another computing workshop and found time to enjoy the Jungle Run inflatable as part of their school ValuesÂ’ reward.